Still after scraping the 3ele Triband & 3ele Dualband antennas, more material
was needed...Seen here is mostly 1in and 7/8in aluminium tubing bought.

Here the boom from both antennas are combined...Actually the whole boom from one
antenna plus just 1/2 from the other antenna to make up 18ft of boom....The centre piece had to be reinforced on the inside
to support the weight..

This is how I used the original centre insulators for the driven elements plus
the two insulators I built by wrapping fiberglass cloth in a cylindrical manner to make a solid insultor.....
I think Max Gain Systems in Georgia U.S.A has solid and tube fiberglass for sale.......I really would have liked to buy the size
that would fit into 1in aluminium tubing but just went along with some homebrew tubes ...this really is homebrewing
your own.

The Four driven elements are shown here- Two are for 10m , One for
15m and the longest 20m.......The are also shown mounted on the boom....

This is the connecting of the driven elements using flat aluminium and also seen
is the matching system used.
I get a real good swr on the bands the antenna is designed for...The antenna is
fed with a single 50 ohm cable (RG8) into a 4:1 balun...I use a Van gorden balun but my first log periodic I ever built ,I
used a homebrewed 4:1 coax balun.The article was found in an old CQ magazine and It works really well.

You can see me putting together the antenna
while 9Z4CS-Jerome (centre) and 9Z4CT-Nigel (right) are thinking about renting a helicopter for installation.

Ok ..Here we go up the can really see the size of this baby. We got full
size elements on all bands ,all on an 18ft boom. The tower is 50ft.


Compare her with the original Cushcraft x7 antenna below..

CushCraft x7 Antenna...(click on pic to read up on antenna) |
Here is a great overview of the X7 antenna by E73M---Click
on photo to go to his site.

T93M....OverView of the X7. |
I have gotten a lot of emails asking for the spacings for the X7 .....Here it is
!! Click on pic to goto to manual page

X7 Spacings |
This is what I enjoy doing in Ham radio..I really love building antennas and I am
happy to assist anyone who wants more info if they think they can build one like this.
Cushcraft also has a 9 element version using a 24ft boom...I would have liked to
put up that at my Qth but not enough space to get that size up.......Plus , after looking at the amount of gain on the X9
- too much material for just about a 1 db increase .
My current project is getting up and running on meteor scatter and EME using the
WSJT software on 6m and 2m....I have already started getting the stuff together..This should be a first operation from Trinidad.
Anyone wanting to hear my signal on any HF band..just email me........